Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIPs) are documents prepared by local highway authorities. They set out changes to streets and spaces that aim to make cycling and walking more convenient, attractive, and safer. An LCWIP identifies the local cycling and walking improvements and plots them on a map. The implementation of the changes will occur over a number of years.

In Oxfordshire, there is no LCWIP yet in place which means there is not yet any firm proposals for Abingdon. However, the neighbourhood plan team has worked closely with the highways authority to develop these ideas. See map and key. The map sets out the cycling and walking changes that the neighbourhood plan wishes to promote. The neighbourhood plan team wants to test these ideas and then share the results with Oxfordshire County Council as it prepares the LCWIP for the county.

In addition to the ideas shown on the map, the Abingdon Neighbourhood Plan wants to propose a 20mph speed limit to be applied across most of the area within the outer ring road. Therefore, smaller roads with low traffic volumes (up to about 2,000 vehicles a day) will benefit from slower speed and will become more welcoming for those wishes to walk and ride a bike. All suggested improvements shown here will be subject to future funding arrangements.

Travel, Access
& Movement

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Please give us your comments by 5pm on Friday 23rd September.


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